picture of Jez belly dancing

Jezebel is a middle eastern dance instructor and performer. She started studying middle eastern dance in 1997 and later began teaching at workshops and seminars.

Her study of music theory enabled her to recognize how to mesh movement to music and her innate ability to envision sound as movement earned her the position of choreographer with troupe Hareem Shar'eem, Wicked Gypsy, Maevyn, JezeMel and The Shuvani Jezebels specializing in solos as well as group numbers which utilize her unique fusion of American tribal, Gypsy and Gothic Bellydance.

Jezebel's classes focus not only on learning individual movements, but on putting separate movements together into a choreography that echoes a specific piece of music. She feels that musicality is a vital part of a dancer's repertoire and enjoys combining movements from several different dance styles to make her choreography fun, challenging, and innovative.

The studio is located in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Hire Jezebel for classes, workshops, choreographies, or for a performance--solo or with one of her troupes. For more information on class times.

To read more about Jez, click on the link: Cleveland

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